Home » 6 Ways to Get Beautiful Smoke Rings with a Pellet Smoker

6 Ways to Get Beautiful Smoke Rings with a Pellet Smoker

Getting a nice smoke ring on meats using a pellet smoker can be a bit challenging, especially for those with no experience using one. I can still remember the first time I tried using a pellet smoker, and the meat didn’t come out as expected. But after a few trials and errors, I was able to create a nice smoke ring on my meat.

The best way to achieve a beautiful smoke ring is to use dry pure hardwood pellets. Start the grill on low heat, around 107°C (225°F), and keep it at this temperature for the first hour. Allow oxygen to flow by opening the pellet grill’s smokestack, as this will help develop a nice smoke ring.

While using the right fuel and starting at a low temperature can give the meat a good smoke ring, it doesn’t stop there.

Why is it Best to Use Dry Hardwood Pellets to Get Smoke Rings?

Smoke rings can appear even when using other kinds of fuel, apart from hardwood pellets. However, using pure hardwood pellets is preferred due to their higher nitrogen content compared to other fuels.

So, what does nitrogen have to do with getting a good smoke ring? Meat contains myoglobin, a molecule that gives meat its pink colour. This molecule stores oxygen in the muscle tissue of the meat. Depending on the amount of oxygen the meat is exposed to, it will change its colour.

Now, once the myoglobin bond to nitric oxide and carbon monoxide while cooking, the meat can maintain its pink color. The two molecules, carbon monoxide and nitric oxide, can only be obtained from burning pure wood in a pellet grill and not from grills using gas. Since CO and NO can only get into the meat so deep, it is the reason why a smoke ring is produced. The ring is typically not more than 1 inch deep, surrounding the outer layer of meat.

What is the Best Wood Pellet for Creating a Great Smoke Ring?

The type of wood pellets for smoking or grilling would largely depend on the kind of produce or food to grill. However, when it comes to producing better smoke rings, cherry wood pellet is on top of my list. Most pitmasters widely use it due to the great color it gives the meat, but it provides a very mild flavour. If the cherry wood pellet is not available, apple wood pellets would be a good alternative.

The smoke ring does not give any flavour to the meat, but it looks great and makes the meat more appetising. However, when it comes to flavour, it doesn’t enhance the meat’s taste or not the part that tastes smoky. Choosing the right pellet for the meat to enhance flavour while creating a beautiful smoke ring is possible.

Mix and matching wood pellets can be done on a pellet smoker. Depending on the type of meat and the flavour one wants to achieve, mixing cherry wood pellets with other wood pellets will result in flavourful meat and a nice smoke ring.

Wood Pellet Flavours for Different Produce

Wood TypePairing
AppleApple Best for poultry, pork, and vegetables
MesquiteIdeal for beef and poultry
PecanRecommended for poultry, pork, and beef
HickoryBest for pork, beef, and poultry

If you ask me, I prefer mixing cherry wood pellets with mesquite. The cherry gives me a good smoke ring and meat colour and balances the mesquite flavour on the meat. Hickory and cherry are also a great combination. Hickory wood pellets provide a milder flavour than mesquite but still offer great tasting meat.

Other Factors that Affect Smoke Ring Quality

The type of fuel used is the top factor to consider to achieve a beautiful smoke ring. However, other factors also play an important role in creating a quality smoke ring.

Here are some of them:


The amount of oxygen can determine whether or not a smoke ring will be produced. If the oxygen level is not sufficient, the fuel used will produce less nitric oxide, and it will cause it to smoulder. Remember that for combustion to occur, oxygen must be present. As mentioned earlier, the smokestack of the pellet griller should remain open to produce enough oxygen.

Wood Used

The wood pellets used need to be very dry, as this will help in producing more nitric oxide. The higher the NO content produced, the better it will create a smoke ring. Keep in mind that hardwood pellets should be used dry for them to burn better.


Keeping the meat a bit moist will allow nitric oxide to stick better, thus allowing a nicer smoke ring to develop. The higher the humidity level, the better for the meat to produce a smoke ring. In addition to that, the humidity level helps in helping the CO and NO stick better to the meat.


The combustion temperature also plays an important role in achieving a quality smoke ring. Combustion temperature is defined as the point wherein the fuel will turn into flames. In order for a smoke ring to develop, cooking at a lower combustion temperature will produce nitric oxide faster during the first hour of cooking. This is because starting at high heat may break down myoglobin which may cause to change the meat’s color even before a smoke ring is produced.

Tips to Getting a Smoke Ring

Aside from the tips mentioned above, I would like to share some things I did until I achieved a beautiful smoke ring.

1. Trim Fat

While some love the fat cap, it is best to trim and get rid of it. Why? Because it will only hinder the smoke ring from developing. Since this part of the meat does not contain myoglobin, it will only block the NO from getting deep into the meat.

2. Keep the Meat Cool

It is best to keep the meat in a cooler or fridge until it is time to cook. Keeping the meat cool or at a low temperature will give the nitric oxide more time to get into the meat. This will allow the meat to maintain its pink color. Once the meat is exposed to high heat, the myoglobin will start to break down, and no smoke ring will be produced.

3. Choose the Right Rub

The rub used on the meat can make or break the development of smoke rings. Rubs with high content of salt and are acidic may hinder the formation of a smoke ring.

4. Moisten the Meat

Spraying the meat before it gets into the smoker will keep the meat a bit cool. Moisture also helps in the condensation of NO. Slightly moist meat will also prevent the bark from forming early on, hindering the formation of a smoke ring. Aside from that, it will also help in holding in the carbon monoxide and nitric acid in the smoke.

5. Don’t Rush

Attaining a perfect smoke ring requires patience. This is why it is recommended to start at a low temperature, at least for the first hour. Turning the heat up will only cause myoglobin to break down faster and leave no time for nitric oxide to penetrate the meat’s surface before it changes color. When this happens, smoke rings will not be formed.

6. Amount of Smoke

While some may think that the more smoke a pellet smoker produces, the better smoke ring it will create. There is no truth to this since once the meat reaches 60°C (140°F), it no longer takes in smoke. The gases needed to form a smoke ring will no longer get into the meat once it reaches the said temperature. To keep the meat juicier, wrapping it at this point will help.

Related Questions

Do pellet smokers give a smoke ring?

It is possible to get a good smoke ring from pellet smokers because the fuel used releases molecules such as nitric oxide and carbon monoxide, which are both needed in creating smoke rings. This also means that smoke rings may not be achieved with a gas grill unless you use some wood pellets in it.

Do pellet smokers give good smoke flavour?

Depending on the brand, some may give a more smokey flavour. However, pellet smokers are not designed to produce a strong smoke flavour. But compared to fruitwood pellets, hardwood pellets have proven to offer longer burn times for every pound.

How do I get my pellet smoker to smoke more?

There are several ways you can do to make your pellet smoker produce more smoke. For instance, you can try using different types of pellets and find out which one can produce more smoke. Another thing you can do is cutting your meat right. As much as possible, cut your meat with the right fat-to-meat ratio. Stay away from meats that are too fatty and too lean. Patience is also the key. Never raise the temperature so your meat will cook faster. Avoid opening the lid all the time to check. As a rule, the longer your meat cooks, the better it will develop that smoke flavour.

David Frangos